
  • To prep or not to prep

    Are non – prep veneers an option for the demanding dentist and their patients?

  • A longer tooth, or a tooth no longer?

    An update of the current surgical techniques used to treat periodontal diseases.

  • Talking Teeth

    The Patient and Client Council surveyed hundreds of patients to get their views on the standard of dental services in Northern Ireland.

  • Technology in the laboratory

    Sean Rush describes how the art of the technician has been aided by new technology

  • Upping the game

    Sheila Scott on how to keep your practice busy and buoyant in the recession

  • No hard feelings

    In the second part of his article on anaesthetic injections, Bruce Hogan looks at risk factors and potential complications

  • Putting in the hard graft

    Soft tissue grafting – a guide for the general practitioner by Dr Paul Quinlan

  • Techniques for a passive fit

    In the third part of his series of articles for Ireland’s Dental magazine, Dr Paul A. Tipton BDS, MSc, DGDP UK, looks at immediate replacement of hte failing full maxillary arch with a Peter Wörhle bridge

  • A real success story

    James Hamill, BDS MFDs RCSEd, presents the case that won the Smile Award for Single Implant Smile at the 2010 awards ceremony in London

  • The science of a dazzling smile

    In the second part of his series, Dr Paul A. Tipton looks at the problems associated with failing post crowns

  • Toothbrush required

    For Donnachadh O Morain, gaining a dental qualification was the opportunity to help some of the world’s poorest people. Here, Bruce Oxley meets the much-travelled Kerryman

  • Looking for clues

    Derek Sullivan and David Coleman on why understanding C.dubliniensis is so important