Quick thinking saves patient’s life

Dr Karl Cassidy nominated for award after timely diagnosis

A Dublin dentist whose quick thinking saved a patient’s life has won a national award for his outstanding patient care.

Shelbourne Dental Clinic’s Dr Karl Cassidy was nominated for the Sensodyne Sensitive Dentist of the Year award by patient Akvile Martinkenaite who presented with swollen, bleeding gums and swollen glands. Dr Cassidy insisted she get a blood test and further medical investigation resulted in a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia.

Dr Cassidy’s timely intervention meant that Ms Martinkenaite received treatment and has since made a full recovery.

She said: “In refusing to accept my GP’s diagnosis of mumps and by stressing the need for urgent action in a calm and professional way, he saved my life. I was told by my consultant that but for the timely intervention of Dr Cassidy I would not be here today.”

Dr Cassidy said: “A visit to the dentist… can be a matter of life and death. Dental examinations can allow the dentist to pick up on warning signs related to other health matters.”

Published: 24 February, 2016 at 17:22